Last night was not a succesful Saturday eve. After downing half a bottle of sweet sweet rosé we cabbed it to East London and arrived at 12:30. To our dismay but certainly not suprise, Cafe 1001 was guest list only, so we continued on, as the skys opened and pissed all over us, to Gramma Phone. Tonight it was 10 pounds or no entry. Considering my shoes were overflowing pools of dirty dirty London water he could have took pity.. BUT NO.
So we retraced our steps and 40 mins later we were passengers on an over-crowded bus. The bus driver was an obnoxious twat who thought he was the devine bus god who therefore had the right to refuse to 'just do his job and drive the bus' (as a highly irritated girl strongly suggested). 10 minutes later he did.
Maybe if we'd taken video footage I could have proved to myself that, despite the torrential rain and continuous knock-backs, we actually did have a good time. Highly unlikely.
This is one we prepared earlier...
Sunday, 30 March 2008
Friday, 28 March 2008
Stag and Dagger
Just bought hot tickets for the Stag and Dagger festival which is being held in Shoreditch on the 15/May..
16 quid gets you the following:
Line Up: 1990s, A Trak, Allez Allez DJs, Archie Bronson Outfit, Bang Gang, Bumblebeez, Burga Sauce DJs, Casper C, Cheeky Cheeky & The Nose Bleeds, Chik Budo, Christopher D Ashley, Ciara Haidar, Collapsing Cities, Das Pop, Dead Kids, Drums Of Death, Duchess Says, Edward J Hicks, DJ Elles, Example, Filthy Dukes, George Lamb & Marc Hughes, Golden Silvers, Harmonic 313, Jay Reatard, Jil Barber, Jimmy Edgar, Jonathan Jeremiah, Joy Formidable, Kid Harpoon, Laurel Collective, Let's Bitter Cinema, Lord Auch, Lost In Paris DJ's, Lovvers, Magic Wands, Magistrates, Michachu, Mira Calix, Moshi Moshi DJs, Mother Mother, Munch Munch, Muscles, My Ex-Boyfriend Records, Natty, Octopus Project, Ok Tokyo, Operator Please, The Oscillation, Personality Crisis, Piers Martin, Pivot, Primary 1, Pure Groove DJs, Quiet Village, Rod Thomas, Semifinalists, Skull Juice, Slow Club, Smoke Fairies, Spinney, Steroid Abuse DJs, Stopmakingme, The Strange Death Of Liberal England, Ed Banger Records Party, Telepathe, The Cocknbullkid, The Displacements, The Invisible, The Mike Strutter Group, The Mouth, The Pan I Am The Shoes, Times New Viking, Turner Cody, Wave Machine, Young & Lost, Zombie Zombie........Plus many more to be announced!
Aussie peeps Bumblebeez, Operator Please and Muscles will be attending! WOOOO
Speaking of Muscles, I saw Sportsday Megaphone at the Old Blue Last (The official Vice pub)
and I couldn't help but see him as a skinner younger version of our Victorian boy. Funnily enough Muscles is one of Sportsday Megaphone's top friends.
16 quid gets you the following:
Line Up: 1990s, A Trak, Allez Allez DJs, Archie Bronson Outfit, Bang Gang, Bumblebeez, Burga Sauce DJs, Casper C, Cheeky Cheeky & The Nose Bleeds, Chik Budo, Christopher D Ashley, Ciara Haidar, Collapsing Cities, Das Pop, Dead Kids, Drums Of Death, Duchess Says, Edward J Hicks, DJ Elles, Example, Filthy Dukes, George Lamb & Marc Hughes, Golden Silvers, Harmonic 313, Jay Reatard, Jil Barber, Jimmy Edgar, Jonathan Jeremiah, Joy Formidable, Kid Harpoon, Laurel Collective, Let's Bitter Cinema, Lord Auch, Lost In Paris DJ's, Lovvers, Magic Wands, Magistrates, Michachu, Mira Calix, Moshi Moshi DJs, Mother Mother, Munch Munch, Muscles, My Ex-Boyfriend Records, Natty, Octopus Project, Ok Tokyo, Operator Please, The Oscillation, Personality Crisis, Piers Martin, Pivot, Primary 1, Pure Groove DJs, Quiet Village, Rod Thomas, Semifinalists, Skull Juice, Slow Club, Smoke Fairies, Spinney, Steroid Abuse DJs, Stopmakingme, The Strange Death Of Liberal England, Ed Banger Records Party, Telepathe, The Cocknbullkid, The Displacements, The Invisible, The Mike Strutter Group, The Mouth, The Pan I Am The Shoes, Times New Viking, Turner Cody, Wave Machine, Young & Lost, Zombie Zombie........Plus many more to be announced!

Speaking of Muscles, I saw Sportsday Megaphone at the Old Blue Last (The official Vice pub)
and I couldn't help but see him as a skinner younger version of our Victorian boy. Funnily enough Muscles is one of Sportsday Megaphone's top friends.
Prom Night
The Teenagers are throwing some sort of prom night at the library tonight, limited to 14-18 year olds. They are also looking for a prom king and queen... get your entries in quick.
I'm not sure why they are venturing down this avenue and quite frankly, it's turning me off.
I will never stop loving their jingle 'homecoming' but even I can admit that this was their only hit. 'Scarlett Johansson' is the only other that ain't too shabby but otherwise I reackon they should stick to DJ and mashing. That they are good at.
Check out their remixes of Lo-Fi Fink and Au revoir Simon remixes on
Their new single 'Love No' was recently released, which also has a cover by Soko, but I ain't a fan.
They're playing in London on 7/April for a mere £7.50 and only because the intro of 'Homecoming' makes my heart skip a beat everytime I hear it, will I be there front row and centre between the 14-18 year old prom kings and queens.
Their debut album 'Reality Check' came out Jan 28th.
Thursday, 27 March 2008
Saturday, 22 March 2008
Easter Saturday
Midnight Juggernauts

So apparently Timbaland is interested in her and she was actually the little baby in that 60s show 'Family Affairs'! So what do I know.
Next up was the 'Cazals', and they are not very good live. I can understand how the Juggers may have been fooled into thinking that these guys were a good opener. But dear dear me were they sadly mistaken. Oh and the lead singer is unforgivingly unattractive. Sorry just tellin it as it is.
Overall: The Cazals are good just as long as you never never have to endure a live set.
On the other hand, Kisune singned them in Feb of 2008 and released their first single, 'Life is Boring'. So if you want to believe a thriving record label over me then you go ahead and do that.
Then FINALLY the Juggers graced the stage; I have seen them so may times, and maybe that's why I'm not immediately spewing up a rave review. They are always good, they were good, but your surroundings definately affect your level of enjoyment. I'm a Melb girl, they are Melb boys and we were in London. It just wasn't right. Yes, there were Aussie people scattered throughout the crowd but it wasn't enough... Just wasn't the same.
To finish the night off Busy P pulled out his turn tables and did what he does best, created some magic. He definately exceeds his reputation.
Next up was the 'Cazals', and they are not very good live. I can understand how the Juggers may have been fooled into thinking that these guys were a good opener. But dear dear me were they sadly mistaken. Oh and the lead singer is unforgivingly unattractive. Sorry just tellin it as it is.
Overall: The Cazals are good just as long as you never never have to endure a live set.
On the other hand, Kisune singned them in Feb of 2008 and released their first single, 'Life is Boring'. So if you want to believe a thriving record label over me then you go ahead and do that.
Then FINALLY the Juggers graced the stage; I have seen them so may times, and maybe that's why I'm not immediately spewing up a rave review. They are always good, they were good, but your surroundings definately affect your level of enjoyment. I'm a Melb girl, they are Melb boys and we were in London. It just wasn't right. Yes, there were Aussie people scattered throughout the crowd but it wasn't enough... Just wasn't the same.
To finish the night off Busy P pulled out his turn tables and did what he does best, created some magic. He definately exceeds his reputation.
Friday, 21 March 2008
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Low Brow Graffiti
The graffiti artist is thought to have struck again overnight, leaving this image on the wall of a pharmacy in north London.
The new painting depicts two children pledging allegiance to supermarket giant Tesco.
A Tesco plastic bag flies in the place of a flag.
The owner of the pharmacy in Essex Road, Islington, is said to be thrilled by his new paint job.
"I just walked into the shop on Monday and, lo and behold, there it was," he told the London Paper.
"I am absolutely delighted - I think it's just fantastic. I've heard how much these works can go for.
"We would consider selling the wall, but not the shop. I think anyone who would want to erase it is crazy. It's a piece of art."
Banksy's latest graffiti follows Gordon Brown's warning last week that retailers may be forced to cut down on plastic bags if they do not do so voluntarily.The Prime Minister has hailed the example of retailers such as Marks and Spencer, who has announced it will charge customers 5p for every carrier bag given out by its food stores.
Sufjan disses Chicago
THOMAS BARLETT: Why so many versions of "Chicago"? What is it particularly about that song that it needed so many incarnations?
SUFJAN STEVENS: It's just a pop song. You know how sometimes there'll be this great radio hit, and people will do covers of it, alternate versions -- Madonna has a dance remix, a club mix, a radio mix, an acoustic version -- I think it's a part of that whole tradition. But I just did it all myself because I knew no one else would probably do it.
The curse has been that this is a song that I never really valued that much. I think the story behind the song is important to me, and the emotional intention is there, but the song itself, technically, is just so primitive: It's just four chords, verse-chorus-verse-chorus, it's very repetitive. There's not much to it ... which is probably why it's so popular (laughs), because it appeals to the lowest common denominator.
Doveman interviews Sufman for
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
WOOOOO! Would you date a girl with a wooden leg?

Wooooo is from NY and Mon got me onto it. Her friend, the guy that created ALPHA 60, is friends with one of the creators of the mag and fortunately for me he sent it to her.
In a recent interview with Parker Posey they discussed the important things in life; pencil sharpenings and the smell of pencils.
Wooden Legs: “Would you date a girl with a wooden leg? What if it was made out of Balsa and it blew around on windy days and bopped you in the head all the time?” Would you?
Check out Michelle Williams' interview from their first issue:
Quand tu marches, je reste ici.
To the best of my knowledge I am not easily fooled. And to the best of everyone else’s knowledge I am one cynical bitch. What they call ‘cynicism’ I label ‘realism’. So what’s different now?
These days, hand me a newspaper or magazine and I’ll hastily flick through the pages until I spot that all knowing face, the lady whose wisdom and ability to see into the future.. shits all over mine (apparently).
Today her name is Shelley Von Strunckel.. and she can foresee my future. What she sees isn’t really the point, although the closer to my situation that paragraph is, the more likely I am to read on…
In my case my willingness to read on has to be attributed to the fact that I am wandering through unknown territory; a vast land of the unfamiliar. It’s like taking one cautious step at a time, lightly placing one foot in front of the other, using the front of the foot to inspect the firmness of the ground before allowing the heel to follow suit. No sudden movements; head down and one foot in front of the other. It’s simple. That is until some lady with premonitions in tow comes your way.
She begins: “You’ve been in a cycle of intense change since late last year, so by now, you’re accustomed to sudden developments and unexpected opportunities”.
I don’t want to appear naïve or paranoid.. but I think Von Strunckel is on to me. As I closely inspect her black and white photo; her raised eyebrow, high cheek-bones and pursed lips seem ever so convincing. What’s she hiding behind that sour puss demeanor?
This is my first time.. hearing what Von Strunckel has to say and, I’m ashamed to say, I want more. I trace back to the front page in search of details, is it a daily or weekly periodical? I discover that I’ll have to wait till next Sunday to find out what’s in store for Jasmine, the Sagittarian. Uncontrollable ‘forces’ will ‘devour my time and mean abandoning objectives I’ve worked so hard to achieve’.
Well I’m glad someone is finally acknowledging the hard work I’ve put in, even if it is just to inform me that it was all a waste of time. Can’t wait to see what fate and Von Strunckel come up with for next week’s segment.
I’ll keep you posted.
Curently listening to:
Camille- Le Fil
A Tribe Called Quest- The Anthology
Hercules and Love Affair
These days, hand me a newspaper or magazine and I’ll hastily flick through the pages until I spot that all knowing face, the lady whose wisdom and ability to see into the future.. shits all over mine (apparently).
Today her name is Shelley Von Strunckel.. and she can foresee my future. What she sees isn’t really the point, although the closer to my situation that paragraph is, the more likely I am to read on…
In my case my willingness to read on has to be attributed to the fact that I am wandering through unknown territory; a vast land of the unfamiliar. It’s like taking one cautious step at a time, lightly placing one foot in front of the other, using the front of the foot to inspect the firmness of the ground before allowing the heel to follow suit. No sudden movements; head down and one foot in front of the other. It’s simple. That is until some lady with premonitions in tow comes your way.
She begins: “You’ve been in a cycle of intense change since late last year, so by now, you’re accustomed to sudden developments and unexpected opportunities”.
I don’t want to appear naïve or paranoid.. but I think Von Strunckel is on to me. As I closely inspect her black and white photo; her raised eyebrow, high cheek-bones and pursed lips seem ever so convincing. What’s she hiding behind that sour puss demeanor?
This is my first time.. hearing what Von Strunckel has to say and, I’m ashamed to say, I want more. I trace back to the front page in search of details, is it a daily or weekly periodical? I discover that I’ll have to wait till next Sunday to find out what’s in store for Jasmine, the Sagittarian. Uncontrollable ‘forces’ will ‘devour my time and mean abandoning objectives I’ve worked so hard to achieve’.
Well I’m glad someone is finally acknowledging the hard work I’ve put in, even if it is just to inform me that it was all a waste of time. Can’t wait to see what fate and Von Strunckel come up with for next week’s segment.
I’ll keep you posted.
Curently listening to:
Camille- Le Fil
A Tribe Called Quest- The Anthology
Hercules and Love Affair
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
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- j-fool
- I am more than prone to monologues; however, this is solely due to the manner in which they compliment a witty anecdote and their ability to resemble concrete evidence when it is so obviously lacking. I often wish I could emulate that aloof character who coolly stands in the corner smiling mysteriously as if she has a secret. However, I fear resisting the temptation to involve myself in other people’s conflicts and responding through body language rather than verbose banter may come across as contrived and arrogant. And, I am not willing to take that chance.