Tuesday, 31 March 2009
U.N.K.L.E - Heaven (Spike Jonze)
U.N.K.L.E's 'Heaven' was featured in the acclaimed skate film 'Fully Flared', which was directed by Spike Jonze and Ty Evans. The marriage between the two worked so well, that it resulted in the birth of this U.N.K.L.E music clip. The directors took a series of shots from the film and re-edited, re-edited, re-edited.
The end result: a master piece.
Twitter Explorers
It's not just us mere mortals using it to propel our meaningless lives into other people's hemispheres, but those mega corporations looking to boost themselves up. These global conglomerates are stacking their yellow pages, one on top of the other, and sitting their little hiney's down. Comfortable? Apparently so.
Here's just a few:
1.Barack Obama

2. CNN Breaking News

3. Stephen Fry (UK comedian)

4. Kevin Rose (Founder of Digg)

11.Lance Armstrong

14. New York Times
Here's just a few:
1.Barack Obama

2. CNN Breaking News

3. Stephen Fry (UK comedian)

4. Kevin Rose (Founder of Digg)

11.Lance Armstrong

14. New York Times

Twitter Explodes

Twitter is going nuts.
Quite literally every man and his dog, and their dog, and their dog has jumped on board.
So here we are, promoting ourselves to our heart's content.
Sam Smith is contemplating his 'mere existence in this concrete jungle'
Sally Porter 'ate sooooo many dumplings that now, she thinks she might just be one', but what about the big guns?
Celebrities are madly twittering in the hope that someone is watching. And they are.
Earlier this month, before an appearance on the Jimmy Fallon Show, UK comedian Russell Brand revealed that he, aka Rusty Rockets, would be twittering live on air. However, upon learning of his dismal 78,000 followers, compared to Fallon's 200,000, Brand urged anyone and everyone to become a follower. Guess he didn't want to look like a chump on live air.
To date, Jimmy stands at a staggering 510,489 while Brand falls way behind with a mere 155,669 followers.
Better luck next time Rus.
Add Russell on: http://twitter.com/rustyrockets
And Jimmy on: http://twitter.com/jimmyfallon
During the show, under the guise 'The Bryan Brickman Experiment' an 'unsuspecting' (yea right) audience member was targeted.
Late Night host Fallon along with Brand and two other guests urged the world to add @bryanbrinkman, who at that stage held claim to 7 followers.

Although the plan was to beat the most followed 'Twitterer' out there, President Obama who currently has 649,699 followers, cartoonist Brickman managed 32,931 followers. Either way, that's more than most!
This 'tiny' boost will most definitely aid in the creation of his cartoonist future. Three years from now he'll be working for Disney. Watch this space.
Celebrity gossip site, Holy Molly, conducted a study concluding that celebrities were using the micro networking site as a form of promotion, rather than as a social site. Well, DUH!
The study proved that Brand -already crowned the 'the ultimate shagger'- was also the 'most self-obsessed Twitterer'. Singer Lily Allen followed closely behind.
As it seems Facebook is no longer the party favourite, the photo-lovin' networking site recently unveiled their new layout, which seems suspiciously similar to that of Twitter.
Snow White Eats Mac's Apple

You'd Think She Would Have Learned The First Time Around.
Savvy thinking by Christian from Deutschland.
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Spike Jonze

Spike Jonze né Adam Speigel, is an American director extraordinaire.
Heard of him?
In '99 he directed Being John Malkovich.
He once starred and directed in this video clip, under the pseudo name Richard Koufey:
Praise You - Fatboy Slim
He is co-creator of MTV's Jackass
He's the creative director of vbs.tv
He was once married to Sofia Coppola.
Now, he's hooking up with Michelle Williams.
His new movie Where the Wild Things Are, an adaptation of Maurice Sendak's classic children's story, will be out Dec 09.
Check it out, while Arcade Fire set the scene.
Saturday, 21 March 2009
A Wasted Love Story - A Bout De Souffle
A Bout de Souffle (1959)
Directed by Jean-Luc Godard, one of the founding members of 'La Nouvelle Vague'.
This scene shows Patricia (American actress Jean Seberg) and Michel (French actor Jean Paul Belmondo) in one of the film's trademark love scenes.
Basically he'll count to 8. If she refuses to smile before then, he'll strangle her (all in jest of course..). A test of courage or cowardice.
Russell (Brand) You Dog, You.
The man with the offensive hair and a penchant for black eye-liner is in Oz.
As I sit here, on my Saturday night typing these words, I am simultaneously kicking myself for missing out.
This following snippet is as good as it gets.. for now.
"I don't think I can have sex with someone, with such a slender grasp of grammar".
Here here.
As I sit here, on my Saturday night typing these words, I am simultaneously kicking myself for missing out.
This following snippet is as good as it gets.. for now.
"I don't think I can have sex with someone, with such a slender grasp of grammar".
Here here.
What's My Age Again?
33 going on 15
"i will call him Peter Pan... move over Hugh Waters, we have a new lost boy!"
Joanna Kawecki your words speak the highest level of wit and truth.
"i will call him Peter Pan... move over Hugh Waters, we have a new lost boy!"
Joanna Kawecki your words speak the highest level of wit and truth.
Google(y) Eyes
There has to be a law against such invasions of privacy.
Apparently Google is the law.
Thursday, 19 March 2009
'Stop Drop and Roll' Issue Launch Party

My awesome friend Talitha has started working with this magazine in graphics. The launch party is tonight at Yah Yah's, in Brunswick.
Stop Drop and Roll
' Stop drop and roll is a spark to light a fire of new writing and art.
we're the candle to your Cuban, the match to your Molotov, the POW to your powderkeg...
we look to emerging and established writers and artists for new material that is bold, intriguing, intelligent, colourful, refined, passionate and many other words besides, with the notable exception of affected. ahem.
the editors are pleased to introduce you to stop drop and roll. we're full colour, about 100 pages round the middle, have an elegant posture and, at about 8.3 inches tall, we can whisper into your ear while walking hand-in-hand on that windy dock. if you bend down a little.
say hello, ask us a question or see our website for more.'
Doors from 7.30pm. $10 entry or $17 with a copy of the magazine for keeps.
Adidas Originals Party MELBOURNE

And apparently it's BYO (?) Sneaker Freaker
Monday, 16 March 2009
If you're looking for 10 Steps To A Successful Career go look somewhere else.
The key to success is to change what you expect to see before you see it. Don't look in the mirror and expect it to reflect something that is clearly not there. Don't use other people as your mirror, because it'll only lead to disappointment.
But, before you take a look, make sure you know what your looking for. Everyday we assess others; we stand beside a conveyor belt that delivers mould after mould, we size each up and down, check how hardy it is and then eventually we think we've found the one that fits..
It's so easy to compare yourself to others. To stand beside them and assess the 'damage'. It's funny how you can find yourself so often indulging in such a fruitless expedition. As I write these words I am merely trying to comfort my own self-esteem and will to achieve. Stroking the bruised ego. Simply attempting to convince myself that all you need is aspiration and if others 'inspire' you, then so be it. If others inspire you to be better, then they've done more than they will ever know.
But after that, you're on your own.
Once you've found your calling. That thing that you actively seek out, the one that feels right... Then comes the next part. Sitting on the defense.
Many people will say, you should never have to defend the thing you love. But then many others will say, if you love it enough you should be willing to defend it. Neither are incorrect, just situational.
If I hear one more person tell me that I'm dipping my foot in the deep-end, the competitive end where it'll be impossible for me to keep my head above water, then I guess I'll have to repeat my spiel one more time. And although this repetitive process has muffled the sound of the words, they will never lose their meaning. Not until I stop believing.
Inspirational speeches are nothing less than cringe worthy. So this is not one of 'those' but a simple reminder that the only person who knows what you are capable of, is the one you see staring back at you.
But, before you take a look, make sure you know what your looking for. Everyday we assess others; we stand beside a conveyor belt that delivers mould after mould, we size each up and down, check how hardy it is and then eventually we think we've found the one that fits..
It's so easy to compare yourself to others. To stand beside them and assess the 'damage'. It's funny how you can find yourself so often indulging in such a fruitless expedition. As I write these words I am merely trying to comfort my own self-esteem and will to achieve. Stroking the bruised ego. Simply attempting to convince myself that all you need is aspiration and if others 'inspire' you, then so be it. If others inspire you to be better, then they've done more than they will ever know.
But after that, you're on your own.
Once you've found your calling. That thing that you actively seek out, the one that feels right... Then comes the next part. Sitting on the defense.
Many people will say, you should never have to defend the thing you love. But then many others will say, if you love it enough you should be willing to defend it. Neither are incorrect, just situational.
If I hear one more person tell me that I'm dipping my foot in the deep-end, the competitive end where it'll be impossible for me to keep my head above water, then I guess I'll have to repeat my spiel one more time. And although this repetitive process has muffled the sound of the words, they will never lose their meaning. Not until I stop believing.
Inspirational speeches are nothing less than cringe worthy. So this is not one of 'those' but a simple reminder that the only person who knows what you are capable of, is the one you see staring back at you.
Saturday, 14 March 2009
Facebook Relationship 'Code of Conduct'
A very funny parody of the way Facebook has integrated itself into our relationships.
Found on Social Media Ltd.
Monday, 9 March 2009
Saturday, 7 March 2009
Yadda Yadda Yadda
For those Twitter geeks there is a program which analyses the words you use the most! For those less technologically inclined head to your phone, open a new message and then wait for the predictive text to tell you what words you use most frequently.
Today I typed 'My' and it predicted the following word would be 'lover'.
Really says a lot about me and my habitual texting lexicon.
Oh lord.
Today I typed 'My' and it predicted the following word would be 'lover'.
Really says a lot about me and my habitual texting lexicon.
Oh lord.
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Girls Are Prettier Than Boys

Photo by Cass Bird for Sophmore.
Girls are prettier than boys - and that's a fact. When you stop to admire the aesthetics of the person, girls win hands down. How often are boy models chosen because they display feminine features? So often. Unfortunately, boys have limitations with how they are able to express themselves. Their blank canvas can only take so much, before it is borderline ridiculous. A boy can not dress like a girl, but a girl can dress like a boy and still be pretty.
Jesus, all these girls are stunners and you can't even see their faces.
All you can see is cascading hair, limbs, flesh and all you can not see, is what ever they can.
Guess it's just down to those X & Y chromosomes and who they choose to take to the Prom.
Soak It Up- Love(less) woes
I feel like a sponge. I am a sponge. I've been absorbing so much; listening, consoling and then trying to take it all on board. Once I've hopped on board, shown the inspector my ticket I then look out the window, and review everything I've learned on the trip. Hopping off here and there to learn more, digest and then continue on my way.
I seem to be the go-to-girl, for well, relationship woes. This may be because I am a good listener or because I manage to pry open the pursed lips of others, while instilling the idea that, they themselves, had been yearning to tell me the whole time.
(My oh-so-wise younger sibling made a good point and it went something along the lines of: "Why are people in relationships seeking advice from someone who is not". My reply: "That's a good point. But no one asked for your opinion, so shut it".)
I recently received a message from a good friend who lives overseas - story of my life- his words seemed confused and unsure of themselves. These words I was bamboozled with ranged from blasphemy to helplessness. After countless attempts at the Skype ordeal I rang him.
I rang him and I asked him what was wrong. I assumed he'd cheated on his girlfriend, but didn't tell him this till I was proven wrong.
Travelling means a lot of things. And it involves even more. It means you meet people you may never have had the opportunity to meet, if you had stayed within your borders, it also means the possibility of losing those same people. But sometimes you decide to take that ‘leap of faith’, the one, that results in the unknown. And once you leap, once you let go, you can no longer predict where you will land. A concept which is simultaneously soo amazing and soo scary.
Such leaps of faith usually occur after much agonising. Is this the right decision? Should I follow my instincts?
He decided to take that leap. He doesn't know the language, the country or anyone there. Except for her. Which was/is more than enough. So he sold everything he owned, including his beloved car and after deciding that his leap was no match for the distance he was about to travel, he hopped on a plane.
As soon as he got there, he began teaching himself the language; fortunate enough to have her there behind him. They found a place, moved in, and he started to search for a job. Finally after being separated by borders they were in the same country, the same city, the same apartment; they were 'closer' than they'd ever been.
A couple of days later, she emerged from the bedroom and told him that she was no longer in love with him.
I hope for his sake that her suspicions are correct, and these few words are nothing more than a reaction to the dramatic change in their relationship. After you become so used to swimming in a pool, diving into an endless sea of water must be nothing less than daunting. There's the constant involuntary consumption of salt-water, the fear of sharks, and then the xenophobia would kick it. The fear of not knowing what will happen.
I rang him and I asked him what was wrong. I assumed he'd cheated on his girlfriend, but didn't tell him this till I was proven wrong.
Travelling means a lot of things. And it involves even more. It means you meet people you may never have had the opportunity to meet, if you had stayed within your borders, it also means the possibility of losing those same people. But sometimes you decide to take that ‘leap of faith’, the one, that results in the unknown. And once you leap, once you let go, you can no longer predict where you will land. A concept which is simultaneously soo amazing and soo scary.
Such leaps of faith usually occur after much agonising. Is this the right decision? Should I follow my instincts?
He decided to take that leap. He doesn't know the language, the country or anyone there. Except for her. Which was/is more than enough. So he sold everything he owned, including his beloved car and after deciding that his leap was no match for the distance he was about to travel, he hopped on a plane.
As soon as he got there, he began teaching himself the language; fortunate enough to have her there behind him. They found a place, moved in, and he started to search for a job. Finally after being separated by borders they were in the same country, the same city, the same apartment; they were 'closer' than they'd ever been.
A couple of days later, she emerged from the bedroom and told him that she was no longer in love with him.
I hope for his sake that her suspicions are correct, and these few words are nothing more than a reaction to the dramatic change in their relationship. After you become so used to swimming in a pool, diving into an endless sea of water must be nothing less than daunting. There's the constant involuntary consumption of salt-water, the fear of sharks, and then the xenophobia would kick it. The fear of not knowing what will happen.
You may think that your only salvation is to swim back to shore; where it is safe and predictable, and as much as they'd like to.. (un)fortunately no one can tell you otherwise. But you should know that there is someone looking out for you. Someone who is willing to do whatever it takes to keep you in those salty-waters of endless possibility.
Monday, 2 March 2009
Ldn Face Hunter: 'Brick Lane Masses We Like Grime'

This dude was photographed by the Face Hunter, on London's Brick Lane. Face Hunter usually stops you if your outfit impresses him, but I guess for this guy it was the ensemble.
Wow, if someone can shed some light on what's going on down below. Please enlighten me. After closer inspection I believe the bike peddles have been replaced with skate-like-boards?
Upon learning the name of the above-mentioned I will google to my heart's content.
Any thoughts?
Sunday, 1 March 2009
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- j-fool
- I am more than prone to monologues; however, this is solely due to the manner in which they compliment a witty anecdote and their ability to resemble concrete evidence when it is so obviously lacking. I often wish I could emulate that aloof character who coolly stands in the corner smiling mysteriously as if she has a secret. However, I fear resisting the temptation to involve myself in other people’s conflicts and responding through body language rather than verbose banter may come across as contrived and arrogant. And, I am not willing to take that chance.