Wolf Gang aka Max McElligott is a ‘bit of a mongrel’; part German and part Irish he grew up on world music and fairytales. Not too long ago, the son of a historian father and a violinist mother dropped out of college to chase some dreams. Luckily for us it wasn’t too long before these ‘dreams’ became a reality. Through his enchanting music he immerses you in the ‘otherworldly’; big on imagination
Wolf Gang provides the backing tracks to your modern day fairytale...We spoke to Wolf Gang about all things musical, from Karaoke to Britney Spears lip synching -
just don’t go comparing him to Mika.
//How would you describe your sound? I’d say you’re the Scissor Sisters meets Mika crossed with the Killers.
God Mika, he’s so annoying but I’ve heard that before. I think because my music is quite diverse; you’ll think that you know it but then you listen to another song and it’s totally different. On the album there’s going to be a mix: ballads, rock and slightly more pop songs.
//Are you a karaoke fan?
What? Singing along to other people’s songs? I don’t know. You drag your friends along to your gigs and that’s kind of justifiable but then you drag them to Karaoke and you’re like ‘watch me sing’ and they’re like ‘for god’s sake we saw your gig last night. How much do you want to impose on us’?
//It’s a bit ironic when singers say they don’t like Karaoke.
I’ve never really done Karaoke. I’d probably get a bit embarrassed and nervous, actually. I feel like I’d be there and there’d be people going ‘that guy thinks he’s in a band. He thinks he’s a singer. Let’s judge him’. I’d be there singing Marilyn Monroe... (I don’t know why I said that?) I’d choose a really girly song like..
Stay tuned to find out what girly tune Wolf Gang chose. The whole interview will come out via 'SUP Magazine faster than that cheese toastie !!