Thursday, 23 June 2011

Gill Scott-Heron + Jamie XX - I'll Take Care of You

My ears feel lovely.

A thank you note to the late Gill Scott-Heron.

Tokyo Police Club - Nature of the Experiment

Oldie but a goodie. This is exactly how I feel. Two and half more hours till end of business. Watchin' that clock!

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Interview: Chase & Status

Chase and Status are the production duo who brought drum and bass into the mainstream arena.
Click here to see the full interview.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Maximum Joy - Stretch

A certain body told me off for being slack. They weren't so much angry as they were disappointed. Guilt trip worked. Loving this 80s track. Hear that scream!

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Interview: Mr Scruff

Mr Scruff, a name Andy Carthy inherited because of his messy mane, keeps his music low maintenance and most importantly fun. Interview here.

Interview: Chad Valley

Oxford producer Chad Valley talks about Ibiza, masking production with lo-fi values... and why he loves Aqua's 'Barbie Girl'. Full interview here.

Friday, 10 June 2011

Vivid Live - Sydney * Bat For Lashes *

I saw this on the weekend. Bat For Lashes also did The Cure.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Interview: Battles

NY's experimental trio Battles talk about their recent release Gloss Drop and their collaboration with electronica master Gary Numan. Click here to see the interview.

What are you looking at?

My photo
I am more than prone to monologues; however, this is solely due to the manner in which they compliment a witty anecdote and their ability to resemble concrete evidence when it is so obviously lacking. I often wish I could emulate that aloof character who coolly stands in the corner smiling mysteriously as if she has a secret. However, I fear resisting the temptation to involve myself in other people’s conflicts and responding through body language rather than verbose banter may come across as contrived and arrogant. And, I am not willing to take that chance.

Ye Faithful