Yes I know he has a rich dad and his sister is the model/actress Devon Aoki -she was in that shitty popcorn movie Fast and the Furious-, but he's friends with LA night-life photographer Mark 'the Cobrasnake' and Mark's 10 year old girlfriend Cory Kennedy, so he must be cool.
Anyway, Steve is the one to the left. I could have put up a more appropriate photo, ie one not advertising some magazine that this post has absolutely nothing to do with, but the pic was just too cool to pass up.
Saturday night was a rather successful soiree. We waited an hour in line, it rain
ed 5 of the 60 mins and we still managed to get in for a discounted price. It was Proud Gallery's third night since opening. After the Camden fire engulfed not only the Hawley Arms (a fav celebrity pub), part of the Camden Markets and the Proud Gallery location, it was time to pick up shop and start again. And that is exactly what Proud did.
The place is literally a 200 year old horse hospital with stables et al. For a pretty fee, patrons can reserve stables and for the whole night, can put dibs on every single spot in the stable.

The place is literally a 200 year old horse hospital with stables et al. For a pretty fee, patrons can reserve stables and for the whole night, can put dibs on every single spot in the stable.
When DJ Kid Millionaire, or DJ Steve Aoki took the the tables it was a rather nonchalance affair,
somewhere between the dizzy beat and the sound of 'modems making love' he had found his spot in the booth. This particular booth was not the one standing tall on stage, but the smaller one tucked away in the back left-hand corner. Very nonchalance indeed. While he was doing his thang and his VJs were doing their thing, there seemed to be a growing crowd of individuals trying to make their way into the next room. That was kind of confusing; at first we thought we were missing out on something bigger and better, but quashed any concerns with a quick inspection.
There wasn't a massive crowd for Aoki and a lot of the people in the room didn't seem to care about the Asian guy makin' the beats. His playlist wasn't bad, but it wasn't rad either. He played Benny Banassi 'Satisfaction' (...) and a hell of a lot of Justice.. Lucky for me I am completely smitten by this duo.
Overall, he knew how to mash and create smooth transitions between songs with great ease, but if you want to call yourself a DJ these qualities should be the make or break, right?
So there was nothing amazing about his performance. But I will commend him on being a gracious host.
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