Sunday, 16 October 2011

Scroobius Pip - Distraction Piece

Currently writing an interview for Scroobius Pip. The UK spoken word artist most recently released the solo album Distraction Piece, a much darker departure from his collaborative work with Dan Le Sac. With Danny Lohner, of Nine Inch Nails' fame, in the production chair it seems Pip was able to delve deep beneath the cavities for something quite thought-provoking.

Check out the opening track 'Introdiction'. The video is incredibly intense!

Interview up soon.

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I am more than prone to monologues; however, this is solely due to the manner in which they compliment a witty anecdote and their ability to resemble concrete evidence when it is so obviously lacking. I often wish I could emulate that aloof character who coolly stands in the corner smiling mysteriously as if she has a secret. However, I fear resisting the temptation to involve myself in other people’s conflicts and responding through body language rather than verbose banter may come across as contrived and arrogant. And, I am not willing to take that chance.

Ye Faithful