This new series of Play Doh magazine ads will certainly quash such fears from ever surfacing again. Under the catchy slogan 'safe no matter what you make', the idea seems to be soley directed at the parents. My only qualm is: when was the last time anyone questioned the safety of Play-Doh? It's made out of plasticine gunk and after many childhood hours spent taste-testing the different colours I have confirmed it is also edible!
Play-Doh is probably the only 'toy' that doesn't require parental supervision. But then again if you catch Junior making one of the above, then you've got a whole other can of worms to deal with.
But once you get over being a cyncial yam you will realise that the real aim of the ads is to suggest that Play-Doh is SO safe, that even a claylike weapon of destruction can be tolerated. However, what does scare me is the fact that these images provide inspiration to tiny developing psychopaths all over the world.
Despite their seeming lack of political correctness, these Tim Burtonesque ads are probably the most innovative advertising I've seen in a very long time.
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